Sunday, August 21, 2016

ဖိတ္စာေရးနည္း - ၁

ပါရဂူမင္းနႏၵာ (ေဒါက္တာမင္းတင္မြန္) GOOD LETTERS အေကာင္းဆံုးအဂၤလိပ္စာေရးနည္းစာအုပ္မွ ကူးယူေရးသားေဖာ္ျပပါသည္။

There are two kinds of invitations:
(1) Formal Invitations,
(2) Informal invitations.
ဖိတ္စာႏွစ္မ်ိဳးရွိတယ္ -
(၁) ပံုေသကားက်ဖိတ္စာႏွင့္
(၂) ရင္းႏွီးလြတ္လပ္ေသာဖိတ္စာတို႔ျဖစ္ၾကတယ္။
A formal invitation should be written in the third person. Unlike a friendly letter, it does not contain the heading, the salutation and the polite leave taking. (ပံုေသကားက်ဖိတ္စာကို တတိယပုဂၢိဳလ္အေနနဲ႔ ေရးသင့္တယ္။ ခင္မင္မႈျဖင့္ ေရးတဲ့စာနဲ႔မတူတာက ပံုေသကားက်ဖိတ္စာမွာ ေခါင္းစီး၊ ႏႈတ္ဆက္ျခင္းနဲ႔ယဥ္ေက်းစြာ ခြင့္ပန္ျခင္းတို႔ မပါရွိျခင္းပဲျဖစ္တယ္။)

It is short and precise and has five main points:
(1) the name of the writer,
(2) the name of the person invited,
(3) the purpose of the invitation,
(4) the day, the date and the time when the guest is expected.
(5) the place where the guest should come.

ပံုေသကားက်ဖိတ္စာက တိုၿပီးတိက်တယ္၊ အဓိကအခ်က္ (၅) ခ်က္ပါရတယ္-
(၁) စာေရးသူ (ဝါ) ဖိတ္ၾကားသူရဲ႕အမည္၊
(၂) ဖိတ္ၾကားျခင္းခံရတဲ့ပုဂၢိဳလ္ရဲ႕အမည္၊
(၃) ဖိတ္ၾကားတဲ့ရည္ရြယ္ခ်က္၊
(၄) ဧည့္သည္ကို ေစာင့္ေမွ်ာ္ေနမဲ့ရက္၊ ေန႔စြဲနဲ႔ အခ်ိန္၊
(၅) ဧည့္သည္လာေရာက္ရမဲ့ေနရာတို႔ျဖစ္ပါတယ္။ လာေရာက္ရမဲ့ေနရာကို စာကိုယ္ေအာက္ ဘယ္ဘက္မွာေရးရတယ္။

Formal invitation should not be signed.
ပံုေသကားက်ဖိတ္စာမွာ လက္မွတ္မေရးထိုးရဘူး။

Formal Notes of Invitation
Sample -
A Formal Invitation (ပံုေသကားက်ဖိတ္စာ)
U Aung Khin and Daw Mya Sein request the pleasure of U Tin Hla's company at dinner on Saturday, The 3rd March at 6 p.m.

9(A), Inya Road,R.S.V.P
24th February.

R.S.V.P = Respondez s'il vous plait(ျပင္သစ္), Please reply, ေက်းဇူးျပဳ၍ျပန္ၾကားပါ။

Formal Notes of Acceptance (လက္ခံေၾကာင္း ပံုေသကားက်စာတို)
Sample -
U Tin Hla has pleasure in accepting the kind invitation of U Aung Khin and Daw Mya Sein to dinner on Saturday, the 3rd March at 6 p.m.

47, Ma Kyee Kyee Road
Sanchaung, Yangon.
26th February.

Formal Notes of Refulas (ျငင္းပယ္ေၾကာင္း ပံုေသကားက်စာတို)
Sample -
U Tin Hla regrets that owing to a prior engagement he is unable to accept the kind invitation of U Aung Khin and Daw Mya Sein to dinner on Saturday, the 3rd March at 6 p.m.

47, Ma Kyee Kyee Road
Sanchaung, Yangon.
26th February.

Invitation to Soon Kyway Ceremony (ဆြမ္းေကၽြးပြဲသို႔ ဖိတ္ၾကားျခင္း)
Sample -
U Mya Tin and Daw Hla Khin request the pleasure of Ko Hla Tint's company at the Soon Kyway ceremony on Thursday, the 8th March (Full-moon day Tabaung) at 10 a.m.

No.22, 68th Street,
1st March.

*Soon Kyway = donation of alms-food ဆြမ္းေပးလွဴျခင္း။


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