Tuesday, September 22, 2015

English Question No.III

  1. The moon is not a good place .......... because there is no air there. (to visit)  2. Both the earth and the moon reflect the ......... of the sun. (light)
  3. The sudden change in temperature on the moon causes .......... to shatter. (rocks)
  4. There is no ........... on the moon to transmit sound. (air)
  5. As there is no water on the moon, there is ......... . (no vegetation)
  6. Blue sky on the earth is produced by the scattering of blue light in ........... by particles of air. (the spectrum)
  7. The gravity on the moon is insufficient to retain .......... . (an atmosphere)
  8. The moon is actually a very .......... environment for human beings. (hostile)
  9. On the moon, stars can be seen in the .......... . (day time)
10. Travellers to the moon need to protect themselves against .......... . (cosmic rays)
11. The force of garvity on the moon is ........... . to retain an atmosphere. (insufficient)
12. The moon is a ........... of the earth. (satellite)
13. Sounds travels on waves of .......... . (air molecules)
14. The temperature on the moon dips very rapidly during a ........... . (solar eclipse)
15. On the moon, changes from light to dark and dark to light occur ............. . (suddenly)
16. The moon is completely ........... water. (devoid of )
17. The same side of the moon is always visible as it .......... very slowly. (rotates)
18. The ........... of the moon would make it difficult for a visitor from the earth. ( adverse conditions)
19. The moon does not shine by its own light; it .......... the light of the sun. (reflects)

  1. After blowing was .......... the hourglass came into use. (invented)
  2.A sundial did not work on ............ days. (cloudy)
  3. Nowadays, most modern ........... clocks do not have faces or hands. (electric)
  4. Before using striped candles, people used ........... to help them measure the passage of time. (sundials)
  5. Grandfather clocks were enclosde in .......... boxes. (tall wooden)
  6. Men wore .......... on chains tucked in their vest pockets. (watches)
  7. The hourglass had to be .......... every hour so that the sand could flow again. (turned over)
  8. In ............. countries, clocks and watches play an important part in people's lives. (industrialized)
  9. ........... do not have faces and hands. (Digital clocks)
10. Modern electric clocks without faces of hands are called ........... . (digital clocks)
11. The hourglass had to be turned over every hours so that the sand .......... again. (could flow)
12. A .......... teils the time with a set of numerals which appear in a little window. (digital clocks)


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