Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Questions - IV

1. Who made the first calendar?
- Egyptian scientists made the first calendar.
2. What is the calendar we use now called and why is it called by this name?
- The calendar we use now is called the Gregorian Calendar. It is called by this name because it is named after Pope Gregory.
3. What is another name for the pendulum clock?
- Another name for the pendulum clock is the grandfather clock.
4. What is one of the modern cash registers used in supermarkets?
- One of the modern cash registers used in supermarkets is the Automatic Itemizing and Change Computing Cash Register.
5. What can control a true robot.
- A computer can control a true robot.
6. What are the larvae of mosquitoes called?
- The larvae of mosquitoes are called wigglers.
7. Which ancient capitals of Myanmar were situated along the bank of the Ayeyarwaddy?
- Tagaung, Mandalay, Amarapura, Sagaing, Inwa, Bagan and Pyay were situated along the bank of the Ayeyarwaddy.

1. Where is research on sleep done?
- Research on sleep is done in sleep laboratories.
2. Where can one find the Silver Pagoda and the Wat Sisaket Temple?
- One can find the Silver Pagoda in Cambodia and the Wat Sisaket Temple in Laos.
3. What is Angkor Wat and where is it to be seen?
- Angkor Wat is the largest temple in the world and it is to be seen in Cambodia.
4. What are Melaka and Penang?
- Melaka and Penang are the historic trading cities of Malaysia.
5. Where should one visit in Myanmar to enjoy the cool weather?
- One should visit the Shan hills in Myanmar to enjoy the cool weather.

1. Why do advertisements for men include the picture of a pretty girl?
- Advertisements for men include the picture of a pretty girl to suggest that a man will be more attractive to women if he owns a certain type of a car, watch or if he dresses in a certain style.
2. What is the general purpose of the organizers of supermarkets?
- The general purpose of the organizers of supermarkets is to provide goods of every description attractively, hygienically and in perfect condition.

1. Why did the four youths fail to carry out their respective tasks?
- The four youths failed to carry out their respective tasks because they had applied too much knowledge of the subjects they had studied to their tasks.
2. Why is there no air on the moon?
- There is no air on the moon because its gravity is in sufficient to retain an atmosphere.
3. Why is there no vegetation on the moon?
- There is no vegetation on the moon because there is no water there.
4. Why can the same side of the moon always be seen?
- The same side of the moon can always be seen because the moon rotates itself very slowly.
5. Why can a compass not be used on the moon?
- A compass cannot be used on the moon because the moon is not a magnet.
6. Why did it become necessary for people to know the correct time?
- It became necessary for people to know the correct time because they began to go to more places and do more things.
7. Why can computers work for a long time without breaking down?
- Computers can work for a long time without breaking down because they have no moving parts.
8. Why are robots widely used in mass production industries?
- Robots are widely used in mass production industries because the same tasks must be repeated in these industries.
9. Why do some people snore?
- Some people snore because they have trouble breathing while they are asleep.
10.Why are girls worried about their appearance?
- Girls are worried about their appearance because a lot of pressures are encouraging them to do so.
11. Why are insects considered to be very important?
- Insects are considered to be very important because they pollinate flowers and are food for birds and other animals.
12. Why is the Silver Pagoda so called?
- The Silver Pagoda is so called because its floor is made up of 5,000 silver tiles.
13. Why is Myanmar known as the Golden Land?
- Myanmar is known as the Golden Land because of its glittering pagodas.
14. Why did Helen become a difficult child to live with?
- Helen became a difficult child to live with because her world was a dark and silent place.


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