Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Questions - IV

1. What are the dangerous tasks that robots can perform?
- The dangerous tasks that robots can perform are bomb disposal and the cleaning of toxic waste.
2. What are the simple tasks that domestic robots can do?
- The simple tasks that domestic robots can do are vacuum cleaning and grass cutting.

1. What did the Disaparmauk give the four youths as a parting gift?
- The Disaparmauk gave the four youths a piece of advice.
2. What can be seen on the moon in the daytime?
- Stars can be seen on the moon in the daytime.
3. What devices are used to display goods in supermarkets?
- Long lengths of adjustable shelves, rotating circular shelves, display stands, racks and multi-tiered mobile stalls are used to display goods in supermarkets.
4. What has solved the problem of quick payment?
- The cash register has solved the problem of quick payment.
5. What kind of products are teenagers usually interested in?
- Teenagers are usually interested in those products which will make young people more attractive, more up to date, more socially successful, and more able to enjoy themselves, as well as more successful in their education and job prospects.
6. What appear as dreams at night?
- Things that were on our mind during the day appear as dreams at night.
7. What are the things that people believe about dreams?
- People believe about dreams that they have magical powers or that they can tell the future.
8. What is unusual about Angkor Wat?
- Angkor Wat is unusual in that unlike all the other Khmer temples, it faces west.
9. With what is the wall of the Hotai library decorated?
- The wall of the Hotai library is decorated with sapphires.
10. What can one find along Malaysia's shores?
- One can find the numerous coral reefs along Malaysia's shores.
11. What are the Filipinos well-known for?
- The Filipinos are well-known for their festive spirit.
12. What make Vietnam beautiful?
- A great number of lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and grottoes make Vietnam beautiful.
13. What subjects did the four youths specialize?
- The four youth specialized in astrology, music and dancing, medicine and philosophy respectively.

1. How long did the four youths study at Taxila with the Disaparmauk?
- The four youths studied at Taxila with Disaparmauk for three years.
2. When did the hourglass come into use?
- The hourglass came into use after glass blowing was invented.
3. How long can a robot work a day?
- A robot can work 24 hours a day.
4. When do nightmares occur?
- Nightmares occur towards dawn.
5. When does the tallest girl in her class stop growing?
- The tallest girl in her class stops growing at fifteen.
6. How old are the buildings in melaka and Penang?
- The buildings in melaka and Penang are hundreds of years old.
7. How old is the bamboo organ at the Las Pinas Church in the Philippines?
- The bamboo organ at the has Pinas Church in the Philippines is 165 years old.


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