Tuesday, September 22, 2015

English Question No.III

English Question No.III ကို Unit အလိုက္ ကြက္လပ္ေမးႏိုင္သမွ်တို႔ကို အေျဖႏွင့္တကြ ေဖာ္ျပ လိုက္ပါတယ္။ ေအာင္ျမင္ႏိုင္ပါေစ။
III. Write the appropriate words of groups of words to complete the sentence.
  1. A ............. year occurs every four years.(leap)
  2. The first calendar made by Egyptian scientists was not ............ . (scientific)
  3. The Egyptian calendar worked like a .......... that runs slow. (watch)
  4. There were 360 days in a year in the ........... . (Egyptian calendar)
  5. A year ending in 00 is not a leap year unless it can be .......... by 400. (divided evenly)
  6. A day is the exact length of time the earth takes to ........... one time. (turn around)
  7. The Egyptian calendar was ........... because it was slower than the exact sun year. (not exact)
  8. The calendar we use today is called the ........... . (Gregorian Calendar)
  9. Finally the scientists decided to continue to have every ........... as a leap year. (fourth year)
10. When they made the calendar, the Egyptians did not think about ......... . (scientific facts)
11. A year is the length of time the earth takes ............. the sun one time. ( to travel around)
12. The problem with Juliet Caesar's calendar was how to keep it right ........ ,year after year. (in the future)
13. Julius Caesar tried to fix the calendar by adding an ......... every four year. (extra day)
14. The Egyptian calendar showed a way to count weeks and months,but it was not ........... . (scientific)
15. It takes ..... 365 days,5 hours,48minutes,46 seconds to travel around the sun.(the earth)
16. The year 2012 will be a ........ year. (leap)
17. The Gregorian calendar will not be fast by ............ for at least 3,000 years.(a whole day)
18. ........ thought that a year should be 365 days and 6 hour long. (Julius Caesar)
19. It takes the earth a little more than 365 days to ............ the sun. (travel around)
20. Adding ........... at the end of each year did not make the Egyptian calendar right. (five holidays)

  1. The four youths belonged to ........... . (rich families)
  2. The four youths ......... in different subjects. (specialized)
  3. The medico's medical knowledge warnde him which meat or fish was ......... . (indigestible)
  4. The medico also came back .......... . (empty-handed)
  5. The professor of Taxila gave his students a piece of ........... . (advice)
  6. Climbing up the tree was easy for the astrologer because at that moment, he was under the influence of an           ........... . (ascending constellation)
  7. The four youths ......... to the professor before they left. (paid their respects)
  8. The wisdom of the parting advice of their professor slowly ........... the four youths. (dawned upon)
  9. The four youths failed ............ their rasks. (to carry out)
10. The professor of Taxila gave his students a piece of advice as his .......... to them. (final gift)
11. The four youths looked at one another without ........... what the great teacher meant. (telling)
12. To the ears of the man of music and dancing, the bubbling noise of the boiling rice sounded so much like the ............ beast of music coming from a drum. (rhythmic)
13. The philosopher got the required ghee, which he packed in a green leaf, and ........... his steps. (retraced)
14. The astrologer said that he was waiting for the moment when he would be under the influence of a ............ constellation. (descending)


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