Wednesday, November 13, 2013


English Punctuation Old Question ေလးေတြပါ။ တတ္ႏိုင္သေလာက္ ရွာၿပီးတင္ေပးျခင္းျဖစ္ပါသည္။ မိမိကိုယ္တိုင္ Blog ကိုေကာင္းစြားသေဘာမေပါက္၊ နားမလည္ေသးသည့္အျပင္
ေက်ာင္းဆရာတစ္ေယာက္မဟုတ္သည့္အတြက္လဲ ပညာရပ္ပိုင္းတြင္ လိုအပ္ခ်က္မ်ားစြာ ရွိေနသည္မွာ အေသအခ်ာျဖစ္ပါလိမ့္မည္ကို ႀကိဳတင္ဝန္ခံအပ္ပါသည္။

PUNCTUATION                                             OLD QUESRION
(a)    speaker said, "            ."

1.    mother said he will come back in time
2.    the doctor said shes going to live
3.    she said hell get them back
4.    she answered the fall caused the bleeding
5.    mother said you are a naughty boy
6.    ma ma said i havent cooked anything for dinner
7.    mother said if life knocks you down get up and start over again
8.    the shopkeeper said these are kept at zero degree fahrenheit
9.    she said i dont know how i can repay you for your kindness
10.    annie said thats exactly the point

(b)    "        ," speaker said./said speaker./ speaker told listener.

1.    i havent had a chance to thank you the stranger said
2.    im sure youll get well soon she said
3.    youre very lucky parents the doctor said
4.    hell get them back she said
5.    im too young to mary she replied
6.    im sorry i havent done anything he said
7.    no you wouldnt look pretty i said
8.    you will look beautiful in that outfit said my sister
9.    hes lucky hes not badly hurt said the doctor
10.    im so miserably poor my friend complained

Friday, November 8, 2013

BIO Blanks Chapter IV

  1. A seed is a ....... and mature ovule.
  2. A fertilized and mature ovule consists of an ....... one or two cotyledons.
  3. A seed may be ....... or monocotyledonous depending on the number of cotyledons.
  4. A seed with one cotyledon is termed as ....... seed.
  5. All monocotyledonous seeds are ....... .
  6. Endosperm may or may not be present in ....... seeds.
  7. All monocotyledonous seeds store the food in the ....... .
  8. The food for the growing embryo is stored in the endosperm of all ....... seeds.
  9. A separate tissue, the ....... stores food for the growing embryo in a maize grain.
10. In non-endospermic seeds, the food is stored in the ....... .
11. The food for the embryo is stored in the ....... in a bean seed.
12. The seed coats of bean seed are fused into a ....... layer.
13. A large oval scar called the ....... is present near the middle of the convex edge of the bean seed.
14. A fused ....... layer of seed coat covers the whole bean seed.
15. In bean seed-coat of a bean seed is the ....... .
16. The inner seed-coat of a bean seed is the ....... .
17. Testa is the ...... seed-coat of a bean seed.
18.The seed-coat of a bean seed are fused into a ....... layer.
19. The seed-coat reduces ....... from the seed.
20. The seed-coat of bean seed protects the seed against ....... and mechanical injuries.
21. The large oval scar near the middle of the convex edge of the seed is called ....... .
22. The stalk of the bean seed is also termed as the ....... .
23. Hilum of a bean seed is the ....... of the seed-stalk.
24. A large oval scar called the ...... is present near the middle of the convex edge of the bean seed.
25. Food and water from the fruit-wall is supplide to the young seed through the seed ....... in a bean seed.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

BIO Blanks Chapter III

Grade-11 BIO blank


II. Complete the following statements with appropriate words. 1. Fruits develop from the ....... of flowers. 2. Fruits ca Grade-11 BIO blank


II. Complete the following statements with appropriate words. 1. Fruits develop from the ....... of flowers. 2. Fruits can be distinguished into ....... types. 3. The pericarp of the fruit may be either fleshy and ....... or dry and hard. 4. Fleshy fruits provide food for ....... and man. 5. Fleshy fruits are usually ....... and brightly coloured. 6. Fleshy fruits may be with large seeds or with many ....... seeds. 7. Mango is a ....... fruit with a large seed. 8. After the fleshy part is eaten the ....... is thrown away. 9. Tomato and guave are ....... fruits with many small seeds. 10. The indigestible seeds of tomato and guava pass out with the ....... . 11. The seeds of fruits with many small seeds which are indigestible pass out with the ....... . 12. Pericarp of ....... fruits can split open when mature. 13. The pericarp of ....... fruits cannot split open when ripe. 14. The pericarp of dry fruits deffers from that of ....... fruits. 15. Indehiscent fruits do not ....... their seeds by splitting. 16. Indehiscent fruits are fruits whose pericarp cannot ....... open when ripe. 17. The seed of ....... fruits are scattered by various methods. 18. Flattened wing-like pericarp of ....... can easily be blown by the wind. 19. The fruit of Angsana has a flattened wing-like ....... that can be easily blown by wind. 20. The fruit of ....... have hairy style. 21. Hairy style in the fruit of ....... aids in the process of dispersal. 22. When the dry fruit breaks up into mericarps, is called ....... . 23. An aggregate fruit is composed of more than one ...... . 24. All the individual flowers of an inflorescence together form a single collective fruit is termed as ....... . 25. Despersal of seeds helps to ....... new and favoruable habitats.
n be distinguished into ....... types. 3. The pericarp of the fruit may be either fleshy and ....... or dry and hard. 4. Fleshy fruits provide food for ....... and man. 5. Fleshy fruits are usually ....... and brightly coloured. 6. Fleshy fruits may be with large seeds or with many ....... seeds. 7. Mango is a ....... fruit with a large seed. 8. After the fleshy part is eaten the ....... is thrown away. 9. Tomato and guave are ....... fruits with many small seeds. 10. The indigestible seeds of tomato and guava pass out with the ....... . 11. The seeds of fruits with many small seeds which are indigestible pass out with the ....... . 12. Pericarp of ....... fruits can split open when mature. 13. The pericarp of ....... fruits cannot split open when ripe. 14. The pericarp of dry fruits deffers from that of ....... fruits. 15. Indehiscent fruits do not ....... their seeds by splitting. 16. Indehiscent fruits are fruits whose pericarp cannot ....... open when ripe. 17. The seed of ....... fruits are scattered by various methods. 18. Flattened wing-like pericarp of ....... can easily be blown by the wind. 19. The fruit of Angsana has a flattened wing-like ....... that can be easily blown by wind. 20. The fruit of ....... have hairy style. 21. Hairy style in the fruit of ....... aids in the process of dispersal. 22. When the dry fruit breaks up into mericarps, is called ....... . 23. An aggregate fruit is composed of more than one ...... . 24. All the individual flowers of an inflorescence together form a single collective fruit is termed as ....... . 25. Despersal of seeds helps to ....... new and favoruable habitats.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

BIO Blanks Chapter II

Grade-11 BIO blank


II. Complete the following statements with appropriate words. 1. A flower is a ........ structure of a plant. 2. A flower may be regarded as a leafy ........ highly specialized for reproduction. 3. Flowers differ greatly in size, shape, colour and ........ of their parts. 4. Flowers have a common ........ plan. 5. The flower is borne on a short or long ........ . 6. The axis of a flower is made up of ........ regions. 7. The axis of a flower is made up of the ........ and the receptacle. 8. The stalk of a flowers is termed as the ....... . 9. The expanded end of the pedicel is the ........ . 10. Many flowers consist of ........ sets of floral leaves. 11. Floral leaves of a flower are borne in ........ or circles on the receptacle. 12. The ........ is the outermost part of the flower and consists of sepals. 13. Sepals of calyx are usually ........ and small. 14. Assimilation is one of the functions of the ........ whorl of a flower. 15. The second whorl of a flower is called ........ . 16. Colour pigments are present in the ....... of a flower. 17. The colours of a flower result from the presence of ....... . 18. Corolla is the most ....... part of the flower. 19. Essential oils in the petals produce ....... of the flowers. 20. The functions of the corolla are protection and ....... . 21. Calyx and ....... of a flower are not necessary for reproduction. 22. Calyx and corolla are known as the ....... whorls. 23. Male reproductive organs of the flower are the ....... . 24. Each stamen in the androecium of a flower consists of a filament and an ....... . 25. The thread-like stalk of the stamen is the ....... .

Thursday, October 24, 2013

BIO Blanks Chapter I

Grade-11 BIO blank


II. Complete the following statements with appropriate words. 1. Angiosperms are ........ plants. 2. The seeds of angiosperms are always enclosed in a ........ organ that forms a fruit. 3. The underground root system of a flowering plant is made up of the main root and ........ roots. 4. Roots, stems and leaves are the ........ in colour. 5. Roots of most plants are ........ in colour. 6. Roots of most plants usually grow ........ the surface of the soil. 7. The ........ is the aerial part of the plant. 8. The node is the point on a ........ from which a leaf develops. 9. The region between two successive nodes is the ........ . 10. The upper angle between the leaf and stem is the ....... of the leaf. 11. The buds found in the leaf axils are called ........ buds. 12. Axillary buds later grow into ....... branches. 13. Terminal buds are found at the ....... of the main stem as well as the branches. 14. Terminal bud are meant for ........ of the plant. 15. The apices of the stem, root and their branches are the ....... points of the plant. 16. The leaf is an expanded,lateral outgrowth of the stem at the ........ . 17. Expanded leaf blade, or ........ is part of a leaf. 18. The stalk of the leaf blade, or ........ is part of a leaf. 19. The two lateral outgrowths at the base of the base of the petiole are known as ........ . 20. The leaf is usually green due to the presence of the pigment ....... . 21. A fruit is ........ ovary of the flower, consisting of a fruit wall enclosing one to many seeds. 22. Plants are divided into three large groups depending upon the nature of their ........ and their growth habits. 23. A tree is a woody plant with one main ........ . 24. Mango is a woody plant with one ........ trunk. 25. A plant which has one main woody trunk is called ........ .