Friday, November 8, 2013

BIO Blanks Chapter IV

  1. A seed is a ....... and mature ovule.
  2. A fertilized and mature ovule consists of an ....... one or two cotyledons.
  3. A seed may be ....... or monocotyledonous depending on the number of cotyledons.
  4. A seed with one cotyledon is termed as ....... seed.
  5. All monocotyledonous seeds are ....... .
  6. Endosperm may or may not be present in ....... seeds.
  7. All monocotyledonous seeds store the food in the ....... .
  8. The food for the growing embryo is stored in the endosperm of all ....... seeds.
  9. A separate tissue, the ....... stores food for the growing embryo in a maize grain.
10. In non-endospermic seeds, the food is stored in the ....... .
11. The food for the embryo is stored in the ....... in a bean seed.
12. The seed coats of bean seed are fused into a ....... layer.
13. A large oval scar called the ....... is present near the middle of the convex edge of the bean seed.
14. A fused ....... layer of seed coat covers the whole bean seed.
15. In bean seed-coat of a bean seed is the ....... .
16. The inner seed-coat of a bean seed is the ....... .
17. Testa is the ...... seed-coat of a bean seed.
18.The seed-coat of a bean seed are fused into a ....... layer.
19. The seed-coat reduces ....... from the seed.
20. The seed-coat of bean seed protects the seed against ....... and mechanical injuries.
21. The large oval scar near the middle of the convex edge of the seed is called ....... .
22. The stalk of the bean seed is also termed as the ....... .
23. Hilum of a bean seed is the ....... of the seed-stalk.
24. A large oval scar called the ...... is present near the middle of the convex edge of the bean seed.
25. Food and water from the fruit-wall is supplide to the young seed through the seed ....... in a bean seed.


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