Wednesday, November 6, 2013

BIO Blanks Chapter II

Grade-11 BIO blank


II. Complete the following statements with appropriate words. 1. A flower is a ........ structure of a plant. 2. A flower may be regarded as a leafy ........ highly specialized for reproduction. 3. Flowers differ greatly in size, shape, colour and ........ of their parts. 4. Flowers have a common ........ plan. 5. The flower is borne on a short or long ........ . 6. The axis of a flower is made up of ........ regions. 7. The axis of a flower is made up of the ........ and the receptacle. 8. The stalk of a flowers is termed as the ....... . 9. The expanded end of the pedicel is the ........ . 10. Many flowers consist of ........ sets of floral leaves. 11. Floral leaves of a flower are borne in ........ or circles on the receptacle. 12. The ........ is the outermost part of the flower and consists of sepals. 13. Sepals of calyx are usually ........ and small. 14. Assimilation is one of the functions of the ........ whorl of a flower. 15. The second whorl of a flower is called ........ . 16. Colour pigments are present in the ....... of a flower. 17. The colours of a flower result from the presence of ....... . 18. Corolla is the most ....... part of the flower. 19. Essential oils in the petals produce ....... of the flowers. 20. The functions of the corolla are protection and ....... . 21. Calyx and ....... of a flower are not necessary for reproduction. 22. Calyx and corolla are known as the ....... whorls. 23. Male reproductive organs of the flower are the ....... . 24. Each stamen in the androecium of a flower consists of a filament and an ....... . 25. The thread-like stalk of the stamen is the ....... .


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