Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Unit အလိုက္ ေမးခြန္းမ်ား

Unit အလိုက္ ေမးခြန္းသီးသန္႔။ မူရင္းေရးသားျပဳစုသူအား credit ေပးပါသည္။

UNIT ( 8 )
1.What is the problem with advertisements ?
2.Why can't we say all advertisements are good?
3.Why is money spent on advertising money well spent?
4.Why can't advertisers fool the public with misleading advertising for long?
5.What do advertisers try to make us believe?
6. Apart from being a form of lying, what can a lot of advertisements make people feel?
UNIT ( 9 )
1. What are terrifying dreams called?
2. When do nighmares occur?
3. Why do some people snore while they are asleep?
4. Why can we say that sleep is important to human beings?
5. What do some people believe about dreams?
6. How do people get relief from bad dreams?
7. What are body characteristics that change during sleep?
8. What is sleep apnea?
9. What is likely to happen to you if you dream about something that is worrying you?
UNIT ( 10 )
1. Why do some people with "beauty-handicaps" still enjoy easy loving relationship?
2. Why are girls worried about their appearence?
3. What are girls about their appearence?
4. According to the writer, what does 'looking good' mean?
5. What do plump girls with rosy round faces long to be?
6. What can you do to become thinner or fatter?
7. What is the key to the success for people with 'beauty handicaps'?
UNIT ( 11 )
1. What distinguishes the mosquito from other insects?
2. Why does a female mosquito inject saliva into the skin?
3. What do wigglers feed on?
4. What are wigglers and where do they live?
5. What should people wear during the mosquito season?
6. Why are insects considered to be very important?
7. What are some diseases caused by mosquitoes?
8. Where and when does dengue fever occur?
UNIT ( 12 )
1. With what is the wall of the Hotai library decorated?
2. What can one find along Malaysia's shores?
3. Where can one find the Silver Pagoda and the Wat Sisaket Temple?
4. Why is the Angkor Wat different from the other Khmer temples?
5. What is the capital of Brunei?
6. Where is the Silver Pagoda located and why is it called this name?
7. Where is the biggest Buddhist temple in the world located and when was it built?
8. Why can travelling in Southeast Asia be very exciting?
9. Why is Kuala Lumpur worth visiting?
10. What is one of the world's wonders in Indonesia and when was it built?
UNIT ( 13 )
1. What is the Merlion and where is it to be seen?
2. Where were many ancient capitals of Myanmar situated?
3. Why is the 165-year-old organ in the Las Pinas Church unusual?
4. Why is Jurong Bird Park said to be unique?
5. What can visitors see from the two viewing decks of the Merlion?
6. What can one do on the beaches of Myanmar besides enjoying peace and tranquility?
7. What kind of volcano is Mount Popa and where is it situated?
8. What kind of beaches are Ngapali, Maungmakan, Chaungtha, Kanthaya, and Ngwesaung?
9. What form of entertainment does the Philippines offer?
10. What are the things that Vietnam boasts?
11. How old is Bagan and how many ancient pagodas are there in Bagan?
UNIT ( 14 )
1. What did Helen do to Annie when they first met?
2. What kind of baby had Helen been before she was seriously ill?
3. When and where did Helen Keller graduate from?
4. What did Annie find out when she had dinner with Helen and her parents for the first time?
5. When Annie asked Helen to sit in a chair and eat from her own plate with a spoon, what did Helen do?
6. What did the director of the Institute for the Blind in Boston ask Annie and what did he think she could do?

Uint အလိုက္ ေမးခြန္းမ်ား

Unit အလိုက္ ေမးခြန္းသီးသန္႔။ မူရင္းေရးသားသူျပဳစုသူအား Credit ေပးပါသည္။

Q -IV Give complete answers to these question.
UNIT ( 1 )
1.Why did Pope Gregory XIII try to make a better calendar?
2.How long did Julius Caesar think a year should be?
3.How long does the earth take to revolve round the sun one time?
4.How did Julius Caesar make the Egyptian calendar right?
UNIT ( 2 )
1.Under whom did the four youths come to study?
2.Who climbed the tall bael tree and why was it easy for him to climb the tree?
3.What did the professor give the four youths as a parting gift and why?
4.Why did the four youths fail to carry out the different tasks?
5.Where did the three friends of the astrologer look for him and where did they find him?
UNIT ( 3 )
1.Why is there no sound on the moon?
2.Why is there no air on the moon?
3.How long does it take the moon to revolve around the earth once?
4.How long has the moon existed in space?
5.How far is the moon from the earth?
6.Why is the moon completely devoid of water?
7.What is the effect of the sudden change in temperature on the moon ?
UNIT ( 4 )
1.When did the hourglass come into use?
2.Why could pendulum clocks show the time more correctly than earlier clocks?
3.What are digital clocks?
4.When do electric clocks stop giving the right time ?
5.Why did people become more interested in knowing the correct time?
6.How do digital clocks tell the time?
UNIT ( 5 )
1.What devices are used to display goods in supermarkets ?
2.How has the problem of quick payment been solved at supermarkets?
3.How do the organizers of supermarkets display a great number of goods?
4. What is the general purpose of a self-service store?
5.How are the goods of every description provided in supermarkets?
6.What does the Automatic Itemizing and Change Computing Cash Register do after totalling the bill?
UNIT ( 6 )
1.Why can computers work for a long time?
2.What can computers do if they were given arms and hands?
3.What could modern robots for factories do if there were any problems?
4.What simple tasks can domestic robots perform?
5.For what purpose are large and complex robots employed in car production?
6.In what environments are robots particularly useful?
UNIT ( 7 )
1.When did Jenny Bishop's dream come true for the first time?
2.How did Jim Bishop's mother make extra money?
3.What did young Jim Bishop think his servants would do when he became rich?
4.How did Jim Bishop's dream come true?
5.What did Jim Bishop and his mother do when the days were soft and tender?
6.Why did John Bishop have to pawn the diamond earrings of his wife?

Questions - IV

1. What are the dangerous tasks that robots can perform?
- The dangerous tasks that robots can perform are bomb disposal and the cleaning of toxic waste.
2. What are the simple tasks that domestic robots can do?
- The simple tasks that domestic robots can do are vacuum cleaning and grass cutting.

1. What did the Disaparmauk give the four youths as a parting gift?
- The Disaparmauk gave the four youths a piece of advice.
2. What can be seen on the moon in the daytime?
- Stars can be seen on the moon in the daytime.
3. What devices are used to display goods in supermarkets?
- Long lengths of adjustable shelves, rotating circular shelves, display stands, racks and multi-tiered mobile stalls are used to display goods in supermarkets.
4. What has solved the problem of quick payment?
- The cash register has solved the problem of quick payment.
5. What kind of products are teenagers usually interested in?
- Teenagers are usually interested in those products which will make young people more attractive, more up to date, more socially successful, and more able to enjoy themselves, as well as more successful in their education and job prospects.
6. What appear as dreams at night?
- Things that were on our mind during the day appear as dreams at night.
7. What are the things that people believe about dreams?
- People believe about dreams that they have magical powers or that they can tell the future.
8. What is unusual about Angkor Wat?
- Angkor Wat is unusual in that unlike all the other Khmer temples, it faces west.
9. With what is the wall of the Hotai library decorated?
- The wall of the Hotai library is decorated with sapphires.
10. What can one find along Malaysia's shores?
- One can find the numerous coral reefs along Malaysia's shores.
11. What are the Filipinos well-known for?
- The Filipinos are well-known for their festive spirit.
12. What make Vietnam beautiful?
- A great number of lakes, rivers, streams, waterfalls and grottoes make Vietnam beautiful.
13. What subjects did the four youths specialize?
- The four youth specialized in astrology, music and dancing, medicine and philosophy respectively.

1. How long did the four youths study at Taxila with the Disaparmauk?
- The four youths studied at Taxila with Disaparmauk for three years.
2. When did the hourglass come into use?
- The hourglass came into use after glass blowing was invented.
3. How long can a robot work a day?
- A robot can work 24 hours a day.
4. When do nightmares occur?
- Nightmares occur towards dawn.
5. When does the tallest girl in her class stop growing?
- The tallest girl in her class stops growing at fifteen.
6. How old are the buildings in melaka and Penang?
- The buildings in melaka and Penang are hundreds of years old.
7. How old is the bamboo organ at the Las Pinas Church in the Philippines?
- The bamboo organ at the has Pinas Church in the Philippines is 165 years old.

Questions - IV

1. Who made the first calendar?
- Egyptian scientists made the first calendar.
2. What is the calendar we use now called and why is it called by this name?
- The calendar we use now is called the Gregorian Calendar. It is called by this name because it is named after Pope Gregory.
3. What is another name for the pendulum clock?
- Another name for the pendulum clock is the grandfather clock.
4. What is one of the modern cash registers used in supermarkets?
- One of the modern cash registers used in supermarkets is the Automatic Itemizing and Change Computing Cash Register.
5. What can control a true robot.
- A computer can control a true robot.
6. What are the larvae of mosquitoes called?
- The larvae of mosquitoes are called wigglers.
7. Which ancient capitals of Myanmar were situated along the bank of the Ayeyarwaddy?
- Tagaung, Mandalay, Amarapura, Sagaing, Inwa, Bagan and Pyay were situated along the bank of the Ayeyarwaddy.

1. Where is research on sleep done?
- Research on sleep is done in sleep laboratories.
2. Where can one find the Silver Pagoda and the Wat Sisaket Temple?
- One can find the Silver Pagoda in Cambodia and the Wat Sisaket Temple in Laos.
3. What is Angkor Wat and where is it to be seen?
- Angkor Wat is the largest temple in the world and it is to be seen in Cambodia.
4. What are Melaka and Penang?
- Melaka and Penang are the historic trading cities of Malaysia.
5. Where should one visit in Myanmar to enjoy the cool weather?
- One should visit the Shan hills in Myanmar to enjoy the cool weather.

1. Why do advertisements for men include the picture of a pretty girl?
- Advertisements for men include the picture of a pretty girl to suggest that a man will be more attractive to women if he owns a certain type of a car, watch or if he dresses in a certain style.
2. What is the general purpose of the organizers of supermarkets?
- The general purpose of the organizers of supermarkets is to provide goods of every description attractively, hygienically and in perfect condition.

1. Why did the four youths fail to carry out their respective tasks?
- The four youths failed to carry out their respective tasks because they had applied too much knowledge of the subjects they had studied to their tasks.
2. Why is there no air on the moon?
- There is no air on the moon because its gravity is in sufficient to retain an atmosphere.
3. Why is there no vegetation on the moon?
- There is no vegetation on the moon because there is no water there.
4. Why can the same side of the moon always be seen?
- The same side of the moon can always be seen because the moon rotates itself very slowly.
5. Why can a compass not be used on the moon?
- A compass cannot be used on the moon because the moon is not a magnet.
6. Why did it become necessary for people to know the correct time?
- It became necessary for people to know the correct time because they began to go to more places and do more things.
7. Why can computers work for a long time without breaking down?
- Computers can work for a long time without breaking down because they have no moving parts.
8. Why are robots widely used in mass production industries?
- Robots are widely used in mass production industries because the same tasks must be repeated in these industries.
9. Why do some people snore?
- Some people snore because they have trouble breathing while they are asleep.
10.Why are girls worried about their appearance?
- Girls are worried about their appearance because a lot of pressures are encouraging them to do so.
11. Why are insects considered to be very important?
- Insects are considered to be very important because they pollinate flowers and are food for birds and other animals.
12. Why is the Silver Pagoda so called?
- The Silver Pagoda is so called because its floor is made up of 5,000 silver tiles.
13. Why is Myanmar known as the Golden Land?
- Myanmar is known as the Golden Land because of its glittering pagodas.
14. Why did Helen become a difficult child to live with?
- Helen became a difficult child to live with because her world was a dark and silent place.

Questios - IV

1.What kind of products are advertised for women?
- Home cleaning products are advertised for women.
2. What kind of products are advertised to impress girls?
- Shampoos or cosmetics are advettised to impress girls.
3. What kind of volcano is Mount Popa?
- Mount Popa is an extinct volcano.
4. What is one of the attractions of Inlay Lake?
- One of the attractions of Inlay Lake is the famous leg-rowers.
5. What kind of traditional costumes do the ethnic groups in Shan State wear?
- The ethnic groups in Shan wear colourful traditional costumes.
6. What are the two kinds of pleasure one can enjoy at some of Bangkok's restaurants?
- The two kinds of pleasure one can enjoy at some of Bangkok's restaurants are Thai cuisine and classical dance.
7. What kind of cities are Melaka and Penang?
- Melaka and Penang are historic trading cities of Malaysia.
8. What kind of buildings can be found in Melaka and Penang?
- Buildings dating back hundreds of years can be found in Melaka and Penang.
9. What shape is Vietnam?
- Vietnam is long and narrow.

1. What was the Egyptian yearly calendar like?
- The Egyptian yearly calendar was like using a watch that runs slow.
2. How did the Egyptians solve the problem to make their calendar a full year?
- The Egyptians solved the problem by making a fire-day holiday at the end of each year to make their calendar a full year.
3. How did Julius Caesar make the Egyptian calendar right?
- Julius Caesar made the Egyptian Calendar right by adding an extra day every four years.
4. How did scientists solve the problem of Julius Caesar's calendar going too fast?
- Scientists solved the problem of Julius Caesar's calendar going too fast by making a plan to take out three days every 400 years.
5. How are the goods provided in supermarkets?
- In supermarkets the goods are provided attractively, hygienically and in perfect condition.
6. How can we learn what products are available on the market?
- We can learn what products are available on the market from advertisements.
7. What can a person do to become thinner of fatter.
- A person can diet to become thinner or fatter.
8. How can girl improve the way she looks?
- A girl can improve the way she looks with clothes, hairstyle, skincare and make-up.

Question - IV

1. What is the colours of the sky on the moon and on the earth?
The colour of the sky on the moo is black and the colour of the sky on the earth is blue.
2. Why could Jenny Tier Bishop not tell whether her present was beautiful?
Jenny Tier Bishop could not tell whether her present was beautiful because she had been blind for years.
3. Why was Jim Bishop able to make his dream and his mother's come true?
- Jim Bishop able to make his dream and his mother's come true because a book he wrote became a best-seller in 16 countries.
4. Why was the writer in "Dreams Do Come True" able to buy his mother diamond errings?
- The writer in "Dream Do Come True" able to buy his mother diamonderrings because a book he wrote became  a best-seller in 16 countries.
5. What will happen to people if advertisements give information only?
- People will be bored and no one will pay any attention if advertisements give information only.
6. What happens when a person has a bad dream?
- When a person has a bad dream, he wakes up exhausted, sweating and with a rapid heartbeat.
7. What happened to Helen after she almost died of a strange disease?
- Helen became blind and deaf after she almost died of a strange disease.

1. What is the leap year?
- The leap year is a year with an extra day.
2. What are digital clocks?
- Digital clocks are the electric clocks that do not have faces and hands and tell the time with a set of numberals which appear in a little window.
3. What are robots?
- Robots are special machines that can work under the control of a computer programme.
4. What is "sleep" and what doesn't really rest during sleep?
- "Sleep" is a biological need for humans to rest. Our brain doesn't really rest during sleep.
5. What is "sleep walking" and among whom is it most common?
- "Sleep walking" is walking in one's sleep and it is most common among children.
6. What are terrifying dreams called?
- Terrifying dreams are called nightmares.
7. What is malaria?
- Malaria is a tropical disease caused by protozoal parasites.
8. What kind of country is Indonesia?
- Indonesia is a land of surprises, featuring the rich culture and arts of its people amidst the sandy beaches and cool mountains.
9. What is the Merlion and where is it to be seen?
- The Merlion is a statue with a lion's head and the body of a fish and it is to be seen in Singapore.
10. What is Sentosa and why is it famous?
- Sentosa is an island resort of Singapore and it is famous because it offers a collection of the country's finest attractions.

Monday, March 7, 2016

အရူးအေတြး - ၄

ဘာလိုလိုနဲ႔ အသက္တစ္ႏွစ္ႀကီးလာပါေကာလား။ အင္း အလုပ္ေတြမ်ားေနတာနဲ႔ ေအးေအးလူလူ အေတြးနယ္မခ်ဲ႕ရေတာင္ၾကာေပါ့။ ၾကာဆို အလုပ္ကလဲ ဆက္တိုက္ပဲကို ဒါေတာင္ အေတာ္လုပ္ယူရတာကလား။ ခုေတာ့ စားခြက္ေပ်ာက္ အဲအဲ ဟုတ္ေပါင္ အလုပ္ကလဲ နားၿပီဆိုေတာ့ကာ အခ်ိန္ေတြပိုေတာ့ ေတာင္ေတြး၊ ေျမာက္ေတြးနဲ႔ စာေလးဘာေလးေရးၿပီး လူငယ္လူရြယ္ေတြ အသိပညာ ဗဟုသုတတိုးေရး အတြက္ ငါ့အေတြ႔အႀကံဳေတြ ျပန္လည္မွ်ေဝရေပမေပါ့ေလ။ လူမႈကယ္ဆယ္ေရးအသင္းဝင္ထားၿပီးသားဆိုေတာ့ ပရနဲ႔ ဟိတ တို႔ေနာက္ကလိုက္ၿပီး တြဲလုပ္ရမယ္ .. ကုသိုလ္လဲရ .. ဝမ္းလဲ .. ဝ .. ဝ ..

"ဦးေလး .. တစ္ေယာက္ထဲလားဗ်"

"ေဟ .. ေအး ေမာင္ေတာက္ထိန္ လာလကြာ .. ဘယ္ကလာတာလဲ .. "

"ပ်င္းေနလို႔ ဦးေလးေျပာတာေတြနားေထာင္ၿပီး ရီရမလားလို႔ အဲ .. ေယာင္လို႔ ဗဟုသုတမ်ား ရမလားလို႔ပါ ဦးေလးရ"

"ေအးေမာင္ေတာက္ထိန္ရ မင္းလိုလူငယ္မ်ိဳးမွ ဦးေလးက ရႊီးလို႔ေကာင္း အဲ .. အဲ .. သေဘာက်သကြ .. ဘာလို႔လဲဆိုေတာ့ မင္းတို႔ ေလးေတြက ေနာင္တစ္ခ်ိန္ တိုင္းျပည္ကို ဦးေဆာင္မဲ့ တက္လူေလးေတြမလား .. ဦးေလးတို႔က သံုးစားမရေတာ့ဘူးေလကြာ .. "

"ဦးေလးသံုးစားမရေတာ့တာ သိပါတယ္ဗ်ာ .. ေရြးေကာက္ပြဲၿပီးကထဲက ဦးေလးလဲ ငုတ္တုတ္ႀကီးထိုင္ ငူငူ ငိုင္ငိုင္နဲ႔ လာသမွ်လူကို အာရႊီးလုပ္ေနတာ .. ေဒၚေလး ေဒၚလွေမကေတာင္ အျပစ္တင္ခ်င္ေနၿပီမလား"

"ေအး .. အမ္မာ ဘာကြ လွေမလား ငါ့ကို အျပစ္တင္မွာ ငါလုပ္ေၾကြးခဲ့လို႔ ဒီလိုေနႏိုင္တာ ဒင္းလား ငါ့အျပစ္တင္ရဲမွာ"

က်ဳပ္စကားမဆံုးေသးဘူး လွေမက ေကာက္ခါငင္ခါ က်ဳပ္ကို ခုလို လွမ္းေမးလိုက္ေသးသဗ် ..

"ေတာ့.... လည္ယာျပန္စားေရး အိမ္ဦးနတ္ႀကီး .. ေတာ္ .. ဘာေျပာလိုက္တယ္  ေတာ့စကားေလး ျပန္ေျပာလိုက္စမ္းဘာ .. က်ဳပ္မၾကားလိုက္လို႔ .."

ဆိုေတာ့ကာ က်ဳပ္မွာ မ်က္စိသူငယ္ နားသူငယ္အမူအရာေလးနဲ႔ မခ်ိၿပံဳးေလးၿပံဳးရင္းက

"ဘာမွမေျပာပါဘူး .. လွေမရာ .. ဒီမွာ ေမာင္ေတာက္ထိန္က .. မင္းကို အျပစ္ေျပာေနလို႔ ငါက မင္းအျပစ္မဟုတ္ပါဘူးေျပာၿပီး .. ဆံုးမေနတာပါကြာ .."

"ဟာ .. ဦးေလး ခင္ဗ်ားက ေျဗာင္လိမ္ ေျဗာင္စားပဲဗ်ာ .. မံုလာဥကို အတင္း ငရုတ္သီးလုပ္ေနျပန္ၿပီ"

"ေဟ်ာင္ မင္းက နားမလည္ရင္လဲ ေျပာတာနားေထာင္ .. ဒီမွာေကာင္ေလးလူႀကီးေတြရဲ႕ ခိုင္းသမွ် အဲ့ပညာနဲ႔ ေအာင္ျမင္ေအာင္လုပ္ခဲ့တာ မင္းနားလည္လား .. အဲ့ပညာတတ္ရံုနဲ႔မရဘူးေမာင္ .. အေတြ႔အႀကံဳလိုတယ္ .. မ်က္ႏွာေျပာင္ရဲရတယ္ .. အရွက္မရွိခပ္တည္တည္နဲ႔ေျပာရဲရတယ္ကြ .. "

"အိုဗ်ာ .. ဦးေလးတို႔ အဲ့ေခတ္ကုန္ၿပီ .. 15 မွာ က်န္ခဲ့ၿပီဦးေလးရ နားလိုက္ေတာ့ .. ဒါ 16 မရေတာ့ဘူးဦးေလး"

"ဟ .. မရေတာ့ေပမဲ့ ရသေလာက္ လက္က်န္ အကုန္ရွင္းခဲ့ၿပီးၿပီေလကြာ .. ခု ငါ့မွာ ေပါင္စားဖို႔ ပုဆိုးေတာင္ ဒီတစ္ထည္ .. အဲ .. မင္းလုပ္မွ အမွန္ေတြေျပာ ဟာ .. ဟုတ္ေသးပါဘူး ဘာေတြေျပာေနမိကုန္မွန္းမသိေတာ့ဘူး .. လူႀကီးကိုကြာ"

"အဲ့ဒါ .. အဲ့ဒါပဲ ဦးေလးရ အရိုးအရင္းေလးေပးကိုက္တာ ကယ္တင္ရွင္ထင္ေနတာကိုဗ် .. ဦးေလး ေကာင္းေရာင္းေကာင္းဝယ္လုပ္စားရင္ ခုခ်ိန္ တိုက္နဲ႔ေနရခ်င္ ေနရမွာေလဗ်ာ .. ခုေတာ့ အရိုးအရင္းကိုက္ေနတယ္ ဦးေလးကိုယ္တိုင္က ေခါင္းေဆာင္စိတ္ မေမြးပဲ ေနာက္လိုက္စိတ္ပဲေမြးေနတာကိုးဗ်"

"ေဟ်ာင္ မင္းက ဘယ္ေလာက္မ်ား နားလည္လို႔ ငါ့လာေဝဖန္ေနတာလဲဟမ္ .. မင္းထမင္း နပ္မမွန္ခ်င္ေတာ့ဘူးထင္တယ္"

"အဲ့ေခတ္ကုန္ၿပီဦးေလးရ ဦးေလးနဲ႔ ေျပာရတာ ရီစရာလဲမပါ၊ ဗဟုသုတလဲမရ အရိုးအရင္းကိုက္ရတာကို တသသလုပ္ေနတယ္ ေနခဲ့ေတာ့ဦးေလးေရ .. ေနတတ္ရင္ ေက်နပ္စရာဆိုေပမဲ့ တစ္ဦးခ်င္းစီရဲ႕ စိတ္ဓာတ္ျမင့္မွာ တိုင္းျပည္ျမင့္မွာဗ် ..."

"တယ္ ဒီေကာင္ေလး အရင္အခ်ိန္ အရင္စိတ္နဲ႔ဆို ဒင္းေနရာတင္ ငုတ္တုတ္ေမ႔ၿပီ ... ဟင္း .. ဟင္း .. ငါေနာ္ ..."

Author: S.Ht
Cartoon: Internet