Saturday, February 27, 2016

English Question No III

1. ----------- is very important to human beings.                                1. Sleep2. Our personalities matter more than our physical ----------- .            2. looks
3. The kind of persons we are matters more than physical ----------- .  3. looks
4. Having a ----------- is important to have easy, loving relationships.   4. warm, kind heart

1. The four youths belonged to ----------- .                                       1. rich families
2. Mount Popa is an extinct ----------- .                                            2. volcano
3. Malaria deaths are most common among young ----------- and pregnant women.                                                                                                          3. children
4. The world's ----------- man-made waterfall can be seen in Singapore's Jurong Bird Park.                                                                                                      4. tallest
5. The beaches in Myanmar are logn, white, ----------- .                    5. sandy and unspoilt
6. Insects that feed on ----------- can transmit diseases.                    6. blood
7. Mosquito larvae are ----------- and feed on plants, algae and microscopic animal life.                                                                                                      7. aquatic

1. Using the Egyptian Calendar was like using a ----------- running watch. 1. slow
2. Julius Caesar made the Egyptian calendar right by ----------- an extra day every four years.                                                                                               2. adding
3. The Egyptians tried to make their yearly calendar right by ----------- a five day holiday at
    the end of each year.                                                                     3. making
4. Scientists solved the problems of the calendar going too fast by ----------- a plan to  take     out three days every 400 years.                                                      4. making
5. We can know if a year ending in 00 is a leap year by ----------- it evenly by 400.                                                                                                               5. dividing
6. The Egyptian calendar showed how to ----------- weeks and months.   6. count
7. The medico also came back ----------- .                                             7. empty-handed
8. Nowadays, pendulum clocks are much in ----------- .                          8. demand
9. It was the fashion for the men to ----------- a watch on a chain.          9. wear
10. Supermarkets attract customers with an attractive ----------- of goods. 10. display
11. One can ----------- one's looks by means of clothes, hair style, skin care and make-up.                                                                                                          11. improve
12. Annie Sullivan believed that Helen should first learn good ----------- .12. manners

1. Egyptian ----------- made a calendar more than two thousand years ago.  1. scientists
2. ----------- from Rome tried to make the Egyptian calenda right.                2. Julius Caesar
3. ----------- wanted to make a better plan than Julius Caesar's calendar.                 
                                                                                                  3. Pope Gregory XIII4. The calendar we use now is called the -----------  calendar.            4. Gregorian
5. The year with an extra day is called a ----------- .                         5. leap year
6. The water clock came to be used later than the ----------- .           6. striped candle
7. People used sundials, -----------  and water clocks to tell the time in the early age.   
                                                                                                 7. striped candle
8. The -----------  was easy to use but it had to be turned over every hour so that
    the sand could flow again.                                                        8. hourglass
9. Pendulum clocks were also known as ----------- .                         9. grandfather clocks
10. ----------- tell the time with a set of numerals which appear in a little window.                                                                                                   10. Digital clocks
11. Men wore -----------  on chains tucked in their vest pockets.      11. watches
12. The Silver Pagoda is so named because of its -----------  tiles.    12. silver

English Question No III

1. Bandar Seri Begawan is the -------- of Brunei Darussalam.                    1. capital
2. Phnom Penh is the capital of ----------- .                                2. Combodia
3. ----------- is the capital of Indonesia.                                3. Jakarta
4. Vietiane is the ----------- of Laos.                                    4. capital
5. Kua Lumpur is the capital of ----------- .                                 5. Malaysia
6. The ----------- of Myanmar is Nay Pyi Taw.                            6. capital city
7. ----------- is the capital of the Phlippines.                                7. Manila
8. Both the city-state and its capital are called ----------- .                        8. Singapore
9. Bangkok, the ----------- of Thailand, is regarded as a shopper's paradise.                9. capital
10. There are many cultural mouments still existing in -----------, the capital of Vietnam.        10. Hanoi

1. A year ending in 00 is a leap year ----------- it can be divided evenly by 400.            1. if
2. Plants cannot grow on the moon as there is no -------- . There cannot be any vegetation on the
     mon without ----------- .                                        2. water
3. The moon has neither twilight nor ----------- .                             3. dawn
4. There are ----------- changes from light to dark on the moon.                    4. sudden
5. Unlike the earth, the sky on the moon is ----------- .                        5. black
6. During a solar eclipse, the ----------- is blotted out for a short while.                6. sun's light
7. Unlike the earth, the moon has little ----------- to retain an atmosphere.                7. gravity
8. There cannot be any kind of weather on the moon because there is no ----------- there.        8. atmosphere
9. The moon's adverse ----------- make it difficult for a visitor frmo the earth to enjoy his
    stay there.                                                9. conditions
10. Goods of every decription are provided attractively, hygienically and in ----------- .        10. perfect condition
11. The law protects human workers from working in ----------- .                      11. dangerous condition
12. If there is no air, there is nothing to transmit ----------- .                        12. sound
13. A sundial did not work on ----------- days or at night.                        13. cloudy
14. In "Dreams Do Come True", the writer's mother became -----------.                14. blind
15. People ----------- because they have trouble breathing.                        15. snore
16. Mr. Keller agreed that annie and Helen could ----------- .                        16. live

1. ----------- food is food which goes bad after a few days.                        1. Perishable
2. Food that goes bad quickly is called ----------- food.                        2. perishable
3. It is natural for us to be concerned about our ----------- .                        3. looks
4. People ----------- in colour, only they don't remember.                        4. dream
5. ----------- will give you grace and glow.                                5. Good health
6. We can't buy personal ----------- looks.                                6. good
7. Angkor Wat is the largest ----------- in the world.                            7. temple
8. Malaria is a ----------- disease caused by protozoal parasites.                    8. tropical
9. Mosquitoes inflict itchy ----------- .                                     9. bites
10. Only female mosquitoes ----------- the blood of humans and other warm-blooded animals.     10. suck
11. Computers do not have any ----------- .                                     11. moving parts
12. We cannot save ----------- as the way we save money in the bank.                     12. hours of sleep
13. Looking good means making the ----------- yourself.                             13. best of you

1. Travelling in Southeast Asia can be very -----------.                        1. exciting
2. Advertisements not only give information but also try to influence our ----------- .        2. emotions
3. Advertisements can make people with only a small amount of money ----------- depressed or
    discontented.                                            3. feel
4. We are ----------- about how we look.                                4. worried
5. Annie Sullivan was ----------- by the idea of helping a deaf-blind child.                5. excited
6. We are usually ----------- about our appearance.                            6. concerned
7. Mrs. Keller/Kate Keller was very ----------- on hearing that Helen had folded her own napkin.    7. surprised