Thursday, October 24, 2013

BIO Blanks Chapter I

Grade-11 BIO blank


II. Complete the following statements with appropriate words. 1. Angiosperms are ........ plants. 2. The seeds of angiosperms are always enclosed in a ........ organ that forms a fruit. 3. The underground root system of a flowering plant is made up of the main root and ........ roots. 4. Roots, stems and leaves are the ........ in colour. 5. Roots of most plants are ........ in colour. 6. Roots of most plants usually grow ........ the surface of the soil. 7. The ........ is the aerial part of the plant. 8. The node is the point on a ........ from which a leaf develops. 9. The region between two successive nodes is the ........ . 10. The upper angle between the leaf and stem is the ....... of the leaf. 11. The buds found in the leaf axils are called ........ buds. 12. Axillary buds later grow into ....... branches. 13. Terminal buds are found at the ....... of the main stem as well as the branches. 14. Terminal bud are meant for ........ of the plant. 15. The apices of the stem, root and their branches are the ....... points of the plant. 16. The leaf is an expanded,lateral outgrowth of the stem at the ........ . 17. Expanded leaf blade, or ........ is part of a leaf. 18. The stalk of the leaf blade, or ........ is part of a leaf. 19. The two lateral outgrowths at the base of the base of the petiole are known as ........ . 20. The leaf is usually green due to the presence of the pigment ....... . 21. A fruit is ........ ovary of the flower, consisting of a fruit wall enclosing one to many seeds. 22. Plants are divided into three large groups depending upon the nature of their ........ and their growth habits. 23. A tree is a woody plant with one main ........ . 24. Mango is a woody plant with one ........ trunk. 25. A plant which has one main woody trunk is called ........ .